Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Train Yorkie Poos

A Yorkie poo is an adorable little mixed breed dog that results from mating a Yorkshire terrier with a poodle. Yorkie poos tend to be very playful and friendly, making the dogs great pets for children. The dogs make the ultimate lapdogs and cuddle companions. Yorkie poos make great family pets and look like puppies forever because of their tiny size and sweet faces.


General Training Ideas

1. Be the leader of the pack. There must be an alpha in the pack and if it is not you, you will have a hard time keeping your pup under control. One way to avoid control issues is to give your puppy a den of its own to be master of. Try a crate or a nice bed on the floor beside your bed.

2. Maintain calm, consistent and patient leadership. Puppies are creatures of habit and routine and they like to know what and when to expect things. Your puppy depends on you for stability.

3. Use fair and just treatment. You need to understand communicate with your puppy. Dogs watch your body language, listen to your tone of voice and whether you have a smile or a frown on your face. The dogs have a keen sense of what makes you tick and that is how they survive in the wild.

4. Use a clear command over and over again and your puppy can learn just about anything. Just remember to say the dog's name before the command. A Yorkie poo is a smart dog that wants to please, so this is the perfect dog to teach tricks to.

5. Follow through with your request. The quickest way to teach your dog to ignore you is by asking for something and then ignoring them. Reward the dog if he does what you ask him to.

6. Following these few simple rules will help you build trust and respect with your new canine partner. Enjoy them and they will enjoy you.

Housebreaking and Litter Box Training

7. Start training your Yorkie poo the first day you bring it home. You will need to decide if you are going to paper or crate train.

8. Put your puppy in its crate whenever you leave. Puppies under 12 weeks old shouldn't be left alone more than three hours. When you return home, immediately take your puppy outside to do its business. If you are going to be gone for a long period of time, put your puppy in a the kitchen or a bathroom so that has more room. The goal is for your puppy to learn to go outside. You can also train your puppy to use the litter box.

9. Choose a room for paper training. Your kitchen would probably be your best choice. Cover the floor with paper. Each day put down less paper until there is only a small area. Once you have reached this point, you can move on to training to go outside or using a litter box.

10. Take the paper with you to move from paper training inside to going outside. Place a piece of paper on the grass. Your puppy will understand that he needs to go here. After awhile you won't need the paper.

11. Litter box train from either one of these housebreaking methods.

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