Friday, March 21, 2014

Shower A Maltese Puppy

Shower a Maltese Puppy

Maltese puppies are adorable dogs who require a good amount of grooming maintenance. To get them used to this process, it's a good idea to start bathing your Maltese puppy soon after you receive him, which is typically around eight weeks of age. However, Maltese puppies can usually receive their first bath around four weeks of age. Bathing your puppy is a rewarding experience that can create tight bonds and mutual affection.


1. Place your Maltese puppy in a sink or bathtub that has an extendable hose. It may be easier on your back to bathe the pup in a sink, but a tub works just as well.

2. Wet the puppy with warm water-water that is too cold can cause the puppy to become extremely frigid and potentially sick, while water that is too hot can irritate and burn a Maltese puppy's sensitive skin. Use either a cup to pour the water on the puppy or use water from the hose. Keep in the mind that the hose may scare the dog because of its pressure and noise; therefore, gently pouring the water may be easier on the pup. Begin by the base of the tail as it will likely scare the puppy least. Work your way up to the head, being extremely careful not to let water enter the eyes or ears. Using handfuls of water to wet the head instead of the cup or hose is usually less stressful on the puppy.

3. Use a tearless, puppy shampoo to wash your Maltese. Scrub from the back down with your fingers. Avoid using a circular motion as Maltese hair is very thin and can tangle quite easily.

4. Rinse your puppy beginning at the head. Be sure to rinse her thoroughly as shampoo that is left can irritate her sensitive skin.

5. Dry her with a towel immediately after taking her out of the water. Do not scrub her with the towel as it can cause knots. Simply stroke her with the towel, then use a hair dryer set on low or warm to dry the rest. Use a slicker or pin brush when drying to keep the hair tangle-free.

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