Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Identify A Pug

Identify a Pug

The Pug is an even-tempered breed, and is quite playful, despite its stern expression. This is a sociable breed. It can be quite stubborn about some things, including house breaking. It gets along with other pets and is very loyal to its family. It gets along well with children. It prefers human companionship over companionship with other animals, and you can usually find the Pug laying in your lap or at your feet.


1. Look at the size and proportion of the Pug. It is a compact and well-knit breed, sporting well-developed muscles. It is a square breed--the measurements from the chest to the rear are about the same as the height at the shoulders. Both males and females weigh 14 to 18 lbs.

2. Make sure the large head is rounded and not shaped like an apple. The dark eyes are dark, large and prominent. The thin ears are small and soft. It has deep, large wrinkles on its face, and the muzzle is short and squarish.

3. Check that the slightly arched neck is strong and thick. It should have just enough length to proudly carry the head. The chest is wide and leads to moderately angulated shoulders. The feet are neither cat-like or hare-like, but something in between with toes that are well split. The rear is powerful and balanced with the moderately angulated front. The thighs are well-muscled. The rear feet are the same as the front feet. The tail curls tightly over the hip.

4. Pet the smooth, soft coat. It is short and fine. The colors may be fawn or black. The muzzle, ears, a thumb mark on the forehead, back trace and moles on the cheeks should be black. The contrast between the fawn and the black should be well-defined.

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