Monday, February 10, 2014

Service Dog Grants or loans

Assistance dogs for people with disabilities

Service dogs improve people's lives by lending assistance to the blind and hearing impaired, the mentally ill and those with other disabilities. They also perform search and rescue missions as police dogs. Non-profit groups that work to raise, train and place service dogs can receive grants from the government and various non-profit groups in the form of cash, tribute programs, events and sometimes donations of products. The key to receiving grant money is to know your own organization in detail and the type of grant you are looking for.

Planet Dog Foundation

Service dogs for populations in need

Planet Dog Foundation, or PDF, is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with public charity status from the IRS. PDF's mission is to promote and celebrate programs in which dogs serve and support their best friends. PDF supports grantees with financial, strategic and networking programs. They provide cash grants, product donations and in-kind support.

PDF's grant-making goals are to support worthy organizations and not-for-profit partners across the U.S. such as service-oriented canine programs. Currently, PDF's grants do not exceed $7,500. PDF grantees are intended to creatively serve multiple populations to maximize the value of their grants.

Planet Dog Foundation

49 York Street

Portland, ME 04101

207- 761-1515 ext. 101

Assistance Dog United Campaign (ADUC)

Grants for assistance dog education

Assistance Dog United Campaign (ADUC) is a health and human welfare organization providing financial aid to individuals who need assistance dogs but cannot raise funds and to people and programs who provide assistance dogs those with disabilities. ADUC raises money for grants for specific provider program development projects, to support industry research and development efforts and for scholarships for people attending the Assistance Dog Institute for a degree in Assistance Dog Education.

ADUC offers grantees funding vouchers, valid for one year with a possible extension, for applicants to use at their discretion, ensuring the provider program is accountable to the applicant. Voucher amounts up to $2,500 are offered by ADUC member programs and disbursed to programs in two payments of 50 percent each.

Assistance DogUnited Campaign

1221 Sebastopol Road

Santa Rosa, CA 95407

800- 284-DOGS (3647)

Land of PureGold Foundation

Grants for canine cancer research

Rochelle Lesser, a school psychologist engaged in Animal-Assisted Therapy, is founder of the world's largest Golden Retriever-inspired foundation. Land of PureGold Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit providing financial aid for assistance, detection, search and rescue, enforcement, military and animal-assisted therapy dogs. Grants are specifically awarded in the area of cancer treatment for working dogs and research in comparative oncology is funded.

Named for Harley, a golden retriever who died of a brain tumor, Land of PureGold Foundation grants are $500 per individual working dog for oncology-related expenses and are provided directly to veterinarians, hospitals or clinics in the United States and Canada. All breeds, pure or mixed, may apply.

Land of PureGold Foundation, Inc.

3731 Greenway Lane

Owings Mills, MD 21117


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