Monday, February 24, 2014

Feline Rabies Shots Unwanted Effects

Feline Rabies
Shots Side Effects

Local health officials will quarantine cats that have been identified as having been exposed to rabies-infected animals for two to six months depending on jurisdictional laws. If during this confinement the cat develops rabies, it will be euthanized immediately. In spite of the dangers of feline rabies and local compulsory vaccination laws, there is controversy among veterinarians about subjecting indoor cats with their low risk of being exposed to infected animals to the vaccine's side effects. These side effects can be merely a nuisance or they can become terminal.

Lack Of Appetite And Lethargy

Soon after the cat has been vaccinated, its immune system begins to fight the low-grade infection in order to develop immunity against rabies. During the first two or three days after the vaccination, the cat's appetite may drop and it may suffer general listlessness.

Overall Discomfort

The injection of the rabies-virus vaccine can cause an inflammation at the injection site. The cat's body is fighting the virus' invasion, and swelling can occur. Since the vaccine amount is proportionally larger in kittens than in adult cats, their injection sites are more apt to swell and be inflamed for a few days longer than for adult cats. Other discomforts include vomiting, diarrhea and itchiness of the face.

Nervous System Problems

A specific protein found in the vaccine can adversely affect the cat's nervous system. Depending on the severity of the reaction to the vaccine, the cat can show a loss of motor skills, exhibit tissue damage and may suffer seizures. At its extreme, the protein-induced reaction will cause extensive liver and kidney damage.

Feline Vaccination-Associated Fibrosarcomas (VAS)

According to Ron Hines, DVM, Ph.D., about 1 percent of rabies-vaccinated cats develop post-vaccination tumors, also known as feline post-vaccinal sarcomas. These tumors can develop anytime from a few weeks after the vaccination to many years afterwards. Although veterinarians are successful in removing these highly malignant tumors, they can return and potentially kill the cat.

Anaphylactic Reaction

According to Dr. Shauna O'Meara, a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction to rabies vaccinations can occur when the cat's immune system is exposed to the vaccine's antigens and adjuvants. Collectively known as reactants, they cause enormous amounts of histamines to be released into the cat that can kill it.

Vaccine-Induced Rabies

The live virus-rabies vaccine has, on rare occasions, induced rabies in a cat within 10 to 21 days after vaccination. The leg in which the vaccine was given will become paralyzed. Soon thereafter the cat will show stiffness in all four limbs and will exhibit dementia. Unfortunately, euthanasia will then be the only course of action.

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