Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Obtain A Cat A Real Estate Agent

Get a Cat an Agent

If your fluffy feline is really friendly, then he may be perfect to work in movies and TV. Cats usually do not follow commands quite as well as dogs, but if yours does, and you would get a kick (and some money) out of watching your cat on a Whiskies commercial, then here are some tips on get your cat an agent.


1. Clean-up your cat. Your cat needs to look well coiffed when putting together a package to send an agent. Take the time and make him look his best. Brush him out, and make sure his eyes and teeth are clean and his nails are clipped. Maybe even buy a cute collar that fits your cat's personality and place it around his neck.

2. Snap pictures and take film. To find a cat agent you will be sending out packets to agents to introduce them to your cat. Pictures and video are the most important. Take a few shots, preferably posed and film Fluffy being obedient to your commands. This is crucial as many cats are difficult to train. Don't worry about over training for every command you can think of, the agents just want to see that your cat is trainable. Then if they are interested, they will use their own trainers to train him.

3. Create a bio. Introduce yourself and your cat. Tell how you first met and a little about your cat's personality. Also be sure to mention why you think he would be great for movies and TV. Remember to be courteous, excited and fun in your tone. One page is a great length.

4. Search for agents. This is best done online. Search for a cat agent close to where you live as that is the most realistic shot you have of landing an agent, and being available for Fluffy to work in films and TV. If you live in Hollywood, check out lepaws.tv or animal-actors.com. Both of these companies have put their animals to work in many movies and countless TV shows.

5. Send your packet. Mail your packet, including the bio, pictures and video of your cat to the agents you searched online!

6. Contact again. Wait a month; if you haven't heard, don't worry. Be proactive, call, be nice, ask if they've received your packet. Encourage them to take a look if they haven't and then as if you can bring Fluffy by so they can get to know his great personality.

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