Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dog Fencing Options

Providing a safe enclosure for your dog to run around free outside is the best way to keep them safe. There are several types of fences you can use to protect your pet. The one that is best for you depends on how you will use it, what kind of dog you own, and how much you can afford to spend.


Wood fencing is a top choice for dog fencing because it is often beautiful as well as functional. Most types of wood fencing work well. However, those types with wide spaces between pieces such as split rail require a layer of wire mesh to be attached to them to be effective in containing even the smallest or largest dog.

Solid panel wood fencing is the most popular of the wood fence choices for dog enclosures because it provides a complete barrier to your dog. It is excellent for privacy as well and may also cut down on barking because your dog can't see what is going on outside of his yard.


Chain link fences have long been a popular fencing choice for all types of yards. This fencing is strong and durable and makes a good choice for all breeds. It does not do much to cut down barking as it is open so your dog can see everything going on outside the yard. Chain link can also cause some problems if there are children in the neighborhood who might tease the dog by poking things through the fence or taunting him from outside the fence.


For dog owners who prefer to have less visible types of fencing can use two types of single-strand wire fence. Both of these types of fencing involve electric shock. In all cases of electric fencing, the shock is severe enough to be a deterrent but not harsh enough to cause serious damage to an otherwise healthy pet. Single-strand wire fencing should not be used on elderly dogs or those with heart ailments. Electric fencing should not be used by owners who have heart conditions or wear pacemakers either because an accidental jolt from the fence may cause serious injury or medical complications.

Single-strand electric wire fencing comes in two types: visible and invisible. The visible type has a single strand of wire running along the perimeter of the yard; one end is attached to either a fence charger that plugs into a wall, or a solar charger powered by the sun.

Invisible wire fence is buried under ground along the perimeter of the yard. It is charged in the same way visible electric fencing is. For the invisible wire to work, your dog must wear a specific collar at all times when outdoors. The collar receives the shock when your dog attempts to cross the path where the wire is buried.

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