Monday, August 5, 2013

Take Proper Care Of A Maltese Dog

The Maltipoo is a cross between the Maltese and poodle breeds.

The Maltese poodle, a hybrid breed also known as Maltipoo, is a cross between the Maltese and poodle. This crossbreed is widely known for it intelligence and eagerness to please. The Maltipoo is also a loving companion and is often used in therapy. If you have a Maltipoo or are interested in adding a Maltipoo to your family, you should be sure to have reliable information about care for one.


1. Know your breeder. Establish and maintain a relationship with your Maltipoo breeder. A breeder can provide you with a great deal of information concerning your dog's nutrition, disposition and common qualities of the breed. Do not purchase your Maltipoo from a puppy mill or pet store.

2. Take your Maltipoo to the veterinarian at least once a year. Your veterinarian will perform a general health exam and address any issues that arise. Your Maltipoo should be checked for common issues with the breed, which include eye problems, dental problems, heart disease, low thyroid function, allergies and seizures.

3. Feed your Maltipoo wholesome, healthy dog food. Visit your local pet store for advice on what to feed your Maltipoo, or speak with your veterinarian. Feed your Maltipoo twice a day, with 5/8- to 1 1/2-cup portions, depending on your dog's weight and size.

4. Groom your Maltipoo. Bathe it once a month with a gentle dog soap and make sure to rinse away all the soap to avoid irritating the skin. Trim your dog's nails once every two to three weeks and brush its teeth at least twice a week.

5. Exercise your Maltipoo. Walk your dog at least once a day, purchase toys for your Maltipoo and play games with your dog to help him release energy and get proper exercise.

6. Train your dog. Many people believe small dogs don't require obedience training because of their size, but all dogs are happier, safer and better companions with basic obedience skills.

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