Monday, August 5, 2013

Calm Dogs Throughout A Thunderstorm

Thunderstorm fear

You love the patter of the rain on the roof and the blasting of lightning and thunder through the sky. Your dogs, however, think otherwise and tend to go nuts every time a thunderstorm hits your area. You can calm dogs during a thunderstorm with some tender loving care and a few simple steps. Even if the canines don’t enjoy the storm as much as you do, at least they’ll won’t be running amok through the house.


1. Stay with them. When all heck is breaking loose in the sky, take some time to stay with your pooches. They will be less likely to freak out if their master is close at hand, insuring them all is well.

2. Coddle them. Constant cooing, soft speaking tones and an abundance of petting will help calm your canines. Throw the coddling into high gear after a particularly sharp blast of thunder or lightning that sparks up the sky from San Diego to Toledo. “Good dog, it’s OK, it’s OK.”

3. Keep a soothing station on the radio. Tune the radio to some classical music or a boring talk show just to introduce noises other than the crackling thunder into the home. This tip is especially useful if you must leave the dogs alone during the storm. Just don’t leave the radio tuned to blaring heavy metal.

4. Distract them with treats or toys. Some dogs may become so enamored with their favorite bone, chew toy or liver flavored treat that they may forget about storm altogether. You may even want to invest in some pricey treats doled out special during a storm. This gives the dogs something else to concentrate on besides how terrified they are.

5. Create a safe dog haven. If your dogs’ kennels are up, encourage them to go inside where they should always feel safe. You can also create a cozy haven by piling some pillows or a dog bed in a small area, like under a table or between the wall and your bed, so the dogs feel like they are in an untouchable safety zone. Sit with them in that area and continue the coddling.

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