Yorkies can be high maintenance.
Toy dogs such as Yorkshire Terriers can be challenging to house train, because they have smaller bladders. Once they start doing their business in the house on a regular basis, it can completely undermine your training. In some sense, Yorkie dogs require more attention and consistency than other dogs when it comes to house training. However, there are a few ways you can prevent your pooch from using your house as its restroom. Read on to find out effectively house train your Yorkie dog.
1. Take your Yorkie outside every 2 hours so they can learn that the grassy yard is the restroom. If you try taking your Yorkie out two to three times a day, you will most likely fail at preventing your dog from doing its business on your carpet. Make sure you take the dog out as soon as you wake up and before bedtime too.
2. Crate train your Yorkshire Terrier to prevent accidents. Find a small dog cage (there should only be enough room for the dog to turn around in it). By putting them in the cage, they learn to hold their bladder and not potty in their resting area. However, you still have to take the dog outside every 2 hours for effectiveness.
3. Place a training pad in a larger cage and teach it to pee and poop on it (instead of Step 2). Use treats and praise to encourage the Yorkie, and always keep the cage open so the dog can use the restroom even if you have it out of the cage for playtime.
4. Clean your dog's accidents with equal parts of water and vinegar to neutralize the odor. This will prevent the dog from going back to the same spots and peeing again.
5. Avoid putting diapers on your puppy, because this will only teach them that they can go to the bathroom at any time and place. Diapers should be used for older dogs who are unable to control their bowels.
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