Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Have A Dog From Woofing Outdoors

Keep a Dog From Barking Outside

Dogs bark outside for a wide variety of reasons. Often, they bark to communicate with a neighbor's dog. Some dogs will bark when they see a cat, the mailman or a pedestrian for territorial reasons. The dog wants to warn all passersby that the house is his. Dogs also bark outside because of loneliness for their owner and boredom. Many breeds are notorious for being barkers over small things. If you want to avoid unwanted barking in a neighborhood, be sure to research the various breeds for barking characteristics.


1. Tell your dog in a firm and soft voice to be quiet when it runs outside barking. When the dog stops to listen to you and is quiet, hand the dog a treat. Each time the dog barks, repeat the command until the dog ceases barking and then reward the dog with a treat.

2. Build a large fence, or hang a tarp if the dog enjoys barking at passing people. Make sure the dog cannot see the passing people, and the barking might cease or be reduced significantly.

3. Work to desensitize your dog to strangers. Ask the people that the dog barks at the most often to offer the dog a treat. Soon, the dog will learn to not bark at the mailman or paperboy because these people are no longer strange to the dog, and they come bearing tasty treats.

4. Purchase another dog for your dog to interact with. A companion animal can help ease separation anxiety and reduce barking. Another dog gives your dog a friend and playmate.

5. Spray water into your dogs face using a hand-held sprayer any time it barks. Mix the water with 25 percent lemon juice to discourage the barking. Dogs are sensitive to lemon juice and will not appreciate having it squirted in their faces. Do this both inside and outside to let the dog know barking is unacceptable anywhere.

6. Fill a soda can halfway full with rocks or pennies. Shake the can every time the dog barks. The dog will naturally stop barking to listen to the can. When the dog stops barking, offer praise and a treat. The dog will learn that it receives a treat when it is quiet.

7. Place a bark collar on your dog. There are three varieties of bark collars available. One collar delivers a squirt of citronella in the dogs face very time it barks, one collar emits a high frequency noise every time the dog barks and one collar provides and electrical shock to the dog every time it barks. Use these collars as a last resort.

8. Hire a pet sitter to come over to your home and walk the dog. A pet sitter will also interact with the dog and let it outside. This will enable the dog owner to not leave the dog outside to bark while at work or away from the house.

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