Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Register Your Dog Using The Akc

There are many reasons to register your dog with the American Kennel Club (AKC), and if you have the opportunity, you should take the extra time to do so. It can come in handy if you decide to show your dog, or if you want to breed it sometime down the line. With just a little information and time, you can register your dog with the AKC pretty easily.


1. Get the necessary information from the breeder. You can register a dog with the AKC only if the mother, father and litter are already registered with the AKC. If you don't have the necessary paperwork, contact your breeder for more information. The breeder should be able to provide an application for the AKC that features all the information you need to register.

2. Fill out the form online or complete a paper copy. To register a dog with the AKC, you need to supply some information. You should include the sex of the dog, her color and markings, registration type, transfer date, the name and address of owner, signatures of all litter owners and possibly information to obtain a pedigree.

3. Pay any necessary fees to register your dog with the AKC.

4. Wait to receive your AKC registration certificate. This can take several months.

5. Review the certificate for accuracy. If you find any problems, contact the AKC directly to order another certificate.

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