Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Know I've Got A Carolina Breed Of Dog

Find out if your puppy has some Carolina in her.

It would be an understatement to say that there are many different kinds of dogs in the world. In fact, the American Kennel Club recognizes 157 different breeds of dogs as of mid-2010. The Carolina breed, also known as the American Dingo, is a wild dog whose breed was first noticed back in the 1970s. There are a few different ways you can tell whether or not your furry friend has a Carolina ancestor in her.


1. Look at the way your dog is shaped. Carolina dogs are characterized by their average heights and muscular bodies that come with off-white, tan or a combination of black and tan fur. They commonly have pointed ears, thick tails and a head that is shaped like a wedge. However, if your dog is only partially a Carolina breed, he may not necessarily have all of these traits.

2. Watch how your dog behaves. Carolina dogs are known to be intelligent, gentle, reserved, loyal and resourceful. They are generally reserved toward new people, but once they get to know a person, they are friendly.

3. Consider the people your dog enjoys. Being a wild, outdoorsy breed, the Carolina dog enjoys spending time with older children, active people and other kinds of people who typically enjoy the outdoors.

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