Friday, February 22, 2013

Train A Shar Pei Puppy

Train a Shar Pei Puppy

When choosing a puppy, it's important to learn as much as you can about the different breeds you are considering. If you are bringing it into a family situation, will its personality be good with children? If you live in an apartment, will it be okay in small spaces? Another consideration is how can you best train a puppy while considering its personality. Shar Pei's are calm and affectionate, but can also be very independent and a bit stubborn. However, they are an intelligent breed and love to please their master. Although, consistency is important in the success of training any puppy, by knowing a dog’s personality, you can dodge the negatives and use the positives to your advantage.


1. Reward your Shar Pei puppy when it has succeeded at a trained task. This breed does much better with a reward system rather than with punishment. If the puppy urinates on the floor, rather than alerting you to go outside, simply say “no” in a direct voice and take it outdoors. When the puppy goes to the door, letting it know it needs to go out. Give praise and immediately take your Shar Pei to its potty location.

2. Direct your puppy in simple commands in short time periods. As a puppy, Shar Pei's have short attention spans. If you overwork it, it may show some stubbornness. It will retain more with frequent, short-training bouts.

3. Socialize it early on. Because Shar Pei's are an independent breed, they may seem to be fine as an only dog in the beginning. However, if it is not socialized early, it may have problems interacting with other dogs as it grows older. Take your Shar Pei to the dog park weekly, especually if there are no other dogs in the family. Your Shar Pei will be small, so keep a leash on it and watch closely that older dogs do not harm it.

4. Take your Shar Pei puppy outdoors for potty training hourly in the beginning. This is especially important to do just after it has had food or water. Its immature bladder can't hold urine for long periods of time. It is better to praise your Shar Pei for a job well done, rather than reprimand it for a body reaction it can't control well. With just a bit of training, you will find that your Shar Pei prefers to go to the bathroom outside in the same place each time. This is wonderful for clean-up purposes.

5. Purchase specific chewy and play toys for your Shar Pei. Correct it early on by presenting a chewy toy when it goes for shoes or other inappropriate items. Your Shar Pei is smart and will catch on quickly.

6. Play music or leave the TV on when you are gone from the house for long periods of time. If your normal practice, when you are at home, is to have a particular music or TV playing, leave one on. Shar Pei's are very smart and will associate the quietness in your home with your absence. The awareness of your not being home may cause it to bark or react in a negative manner.

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