Thursday, April 10, 2014

Why An Electrical Fence Reduces During The Cold Months

Snow can ground out an electric fence.

The winter season poses special problems for farmers and ranchers who depend upon electric fences to contain or exclude animals. Understanding why an electric fence stops working in winter can help you prevent this issue and ensure that your animals don't escape.


For an electric fence to deliver a shock, the electricity traveling through an animal's body must be able to complete an electrical circuit by traveling through the ground to the energizer's grounding system. During the winter, the frozen ground loses moisture, which makes it more difficult for the electrical charge to travel through the ground to the charger's grounding rods.


Heavy or drifting snowfall may cover the bottom wire in your electric fence. This could cause the wire to ground out, just as it does when weeds or grass make direct contact with it; this can reduce or completely eliminate your fence's ability to deliver a shock.


Prevent your electric fence from failing during the winter by installing a ground-wire return system in your fence, recommends the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries. Install at least one uncharged wire on your electric fence and connect it to the ground terminal on your fence energizer; when an animal makes contact with both charged and uncharged wires, the uncharged wire takes the place of the ground in carrying the charge back to the grounding terminal.

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