Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Gifts For Labrador Dog Enthusiasts

AKC's most popular breed

According to the American Kennel Club, Labrador retrievers have been the most popular dog breed for 20 years. This gentle, loyal dog is the perfect family-friendly pet. Labs, as they are commonly known, are often used as guide dogs and search and rescue dogs because of their natural desire to please their master. With so many Labrador retrievers out there, you are bound to know someone who owns one. Lab owners are passionate dog lovers and would love to have a gift that is Lab-themed.

Something They Can Do Together

Labs love to be outdoors

Lab lovers enjoy spending time with their dogs outdoors. If the owner likes to jog, buy a hands-free leash for jogging so he or she can take the dog along. Boating enthusiasts might enjoy a dog life jacket or dog boat ladder. Campers may need a dog tent or dog backpack. For Lab lovers who hike, get a cooling wrap to keep the dog from overheating. A ball launcher can give hours of pleasure and exercise for Labs and their owners.

First Aid

First aid kit for dogs

Accidents happen, and it is important to have the right tools during an emergency. A thoughtful gift for a Lab lover would be a first aid kit. There are ready-made kits for sale online and in pet stores or you can make one yourself. A book about the breed or sporting dog first aid would make a nice addition. Look for a local class on pet first aid and get a gift certificate for the Lab lover in your life.

Lab accessories

Lab lovers enjoy showing off their dogs, even when the dogs are not with them. Online stores, such as Caf Press, have many Lab-themed items. Labrador retrievers come in three colors -- yellow, black and chocolate -- so finding an accessory that looks like their dog should be simple. You can find T-shirts, jewelry, coffee mugs, tote bags and ornaments, just to name a few. You can find additional Lab items in pet stores or at craft shows.

Personalize it

Capture a shot of man's best friend

Although general accessories are nice, Lab lovers might prefer something personalized. Lab-themed frames with a picture of the Lab and owner would be a treasured gift. If you don't have a picture, consider purchasing a photographer's gift certificate for the owner to use with the pet. In addition to pictures, you can buy an item for the Lab with its name on it. Try looking for a bowl, blanket or decal for the car window.

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