Monday, April 14, 2014

Take Proper Care Of A Runt Puppy

It is just part of nature that a dog sometimes delivers a litter of puppies that has a runt. While you may favor the runt because it is so tiny and cute, you also should realize that this tiny runt will need more care than the bigger, healthier puppies in the litter. Some runt puppies grow to be lively, healthy dogs, but unfortunately others do not survive. To ensure your runt puppy grows to be happy and healthy, you'll need to give it the best care possible.


1. Pay close attention to how the mother dog is caring for the runt puppy. Is she allowing it to snuggle and nurse with its bigger, stronger litter mates? You might have to move the puppies around so that the little one can have a place to nurse.

2. Keep the puppy warm. Its tiny body can't produce enough heat to keep warm. It may also be too weak to move close to the mother dog or the other puppies to keep warm. Place a directional lamp to shine on the puppies, and make sure they are not near any drafts.

3. Supplement the runt puppy's food intake by hand-feeding it several times a day. A pet supply store will have the tiny nursing bottle and the supplemental food you need. Give the puppy tiny amounts of the supplement in between its nursing times with its mother. Let the mother dog care for the runt as much as possible.

4. Remove the runt puppy from the rest of the litter if they are too rambunctious. The other puppies may shove the runt away from the mother, or they may even suffocate the little runt if it's unable to move away from the pile of puppies.

5. Take the runt to the veterinarian if it doesn't seem to be eating well, gaining weight or moving around much. It may be so small that it has underdeveloped lungs or eating abilities. The vet can tell you what is best for the puppy.

6. Keep the runt puppy safe when the litter grows big enough to roam around and explore. The rest of the litter may be bigger and stronger and able to do more things than the tiny pup. Contain the runt puppy somewhere safe until he is big enough and strong enough to romp with the rest of the litter.

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