Monday, April 7, 2014

Ear Popping Styles For Any Min Pin

Miniature Pinscher
's ears must be cropped to meet breed standard.

Ear cropping is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed in many breeds of dogs including Miniature Pinschers. The procedure removes a portion of your dog's ears so that they will stand erect.

Breed Standard

According to the breed standard of the American Kennel Club, the Miniature Pinscher's ears must be cropped if the dog is to be shown. In some countries, however, the practice has been banned with the argument that the procedure is invasive and painful for the animal while holding no benefit to its health.


The ears can be cropped in different styles to provide more height or width to better meet breed standards. There are limitations based upon the size and natural shape of your dog's ears. Your veterinarian will decide the best way to crop your dog's ears in order to meet breed standards for competition.

Surgery Details

The surgery must be performed before 12 weeks of age. The procedure can cost anywhere between $100 to $400 depending upon your location and personal veterinarian. The operation can take up to two hours to complete and your dog must be completely sedated for the entire procedure. After the surgery, your dog will have to wear a bandage and ear brace for up to four weeks to ensure his ears heal properly.


The risks of the surgery are those associated with anesthesia, hemorrhage and infection. In rare cases, additional surgery may be required and the loss of one or both ears may be experienced.

Choosing Not to Crop

According to Miniature Pinscher World, many owners will choose not to crop their dog's ears if they have contact with the breeder prior to surgery. The procedure is strictly aesthetic and many owners deem it unnecessary if their Miniature Pinschers are meant to be kept as house pets.

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