Thursday, February 7, 2013

Types Of Different Backyard Fences For Dogs

Chain link is a good type of fence for a dog owner.

Many dog owners choose to fence their backyard to allow their dog the freedom to run around without the risk of escape. Fencing is a good alternative to allowing a dog to roam free, or to chaining a dog. While there are many different types of fences available, some are more escape-proof than others.

Chain Link Fence

Chain link is a strong, durable material used by kennels and shelters to restrain dogs in their kennels or dog runs. Chain link can be expensive, especially if installed by a professional. Chain link fences are not difficult to build, though they can be time consuming, according to "Unchain Your Dog."

Hidden Fence

A hidden fence consists of an underground electric wire running the perimeter of the backyard. The dog wears a collar with a receiver. The underground wire broadcasts a weak radio signal that causes the dog's collar to beep if it gets close to the wire, and it gives the dog a mild electric shock if it tries to cross the wire. A hidden fence is an alternative for someone not wanting to put a fence up but who wants her dog to have the run of the yard, dog breeder and trainer Norma Bennett Woolf says in the "Dog Owner's Guide." However, a hidden fence does not keep other animals or people out of your backyard.

Privacy Fence

Privacy fences can be wooden or concrete and are typically 6 feet tall. These fences keep your dog in the backyard, and intruders out. They also prevent children from taunting the dog through the fence, Woolf says. Privacy fences tend to be more expensive than chain link fences. Some communities have zoning laws prohibiting privacy fences, but homeowners can sometimes appeal these zoning laws.

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